X-Content-Type-Options headers missing

When going to the

/ui and sub links e.g. /ui/Hello
/metadata link
/jsv/metadata and sublinks e.g. /jsv/metadata?op=QueryMetaMenuPermissionViews
/csv/metadata and sublinks e.g. /csv/metadata?op=QueryMetaMenuPermissionViews
/xml/metadata and sublinks e.g. /xml/metadata?op=QueryMetaMenuPermissionViews
/json/metadata e.g. /json/metadata?op=QueryMetaMenuPermissionViews
/jsonl/metadata e.g. /jsonl/metadata?op=QueryMetaMenuPermissionViews

The x-content-type-options headers are missing. When setting these like in this link : Link to Article

It does not set the x-content-type-options header. This is the same for the Content-Security-Policy header and Referrer-Policy Header and Permission-Policy header.

Also, HSTS header is missing or misconfigured on

Will be the same for the X-XSS-Protection header

Same for X-Frame-Options header.

We also have an issue w.r.t cookies set when you log into /ui with it having to have the SameSite Attribute set. We need to set the SameSite Attribute cookie.


Most of these handlers should now be applying the Global Response Headers in the latest v8.5.3 that’s now available in pre release packages.