X typescript EnumAsInt

My Enum:

    public enum FileTypeEnum
        CollectorTraining = 0,
        BATCertification = 1,
        DeviceCalibration = 2,
        Invoice = 3,
        DrugCOC = 4,
        AlcoholCOC = 5,

is generated as strings instead of ints by “x typescript”…

export enum FileTypeEnum
    CollectorTraining = 'CollectorTraining',
    BATCertification = 'BATCertification',
    DeviceCalibration = 'DeviceCalibration',
    Invoice = 'Invoice',
    DrugCOC = 'DrugCOC',
    AlcoholCOC = 'AlcoholCOC',

That changes how it’s stored in OrmLite, use [Flags] instead to indicate they’re Enum Flags.